Parts List
The Parts List shows all parts you have configured in your instance of vx Maintain, regardless of quantities in inventory.
The smart table displays the following:
Name: The name identifying the part, often used as a more generic search term
Number: The number identifying the part
URL: An external link to part information
Use in replenish: Indicates whether part requests are automatically created when inventory counts reach the point configured in the Part replenish profile
Use in count: Indicates whether the part counts are automatically tracked at their part location
Class: The part's classification or category (kit, equipment, fixture, consumable)
Company: The company associated with the part
Asset type: If the part's Class is equipment, the asset type is required and converts the part to an asset of that type
Manufacturer: The part's manufacturer
Dimension unit: The unit used to measure the part's dimensions (centimeters, inches, and so on)
Weight unit: The unit used to measure the part's weight (lbs, ounces, and so on)
Status: Indicates whether the part is active or inactive
Retail price: The current cost for the part at retail
Standard cost: The current cost for purchasing the part (used for determining cost for a part request)
Value good: The cost value of the part in good condition
Value faulty: The cost value of the part in faulty condition
Base sale price: The minimum price for selling the part (can vary for a part based on company association)
Select the part name to view/edit its details, or click New to create a new part.